2013年10月18日 星期五

New media art

1. Dada and New Media art both described as "reactions". What did they react to?

 Dada reacted to "the industrialization of warfare and the mechanical reproduction of texts and images". And new media art reacted to "the information technology revolution and the digitization of cultural forms."

 2. What are some similarities of new media art to Dada, Pop, Video Art?

The similarities of new media art to Dada:
- Emphasize the use of irony and absurdity.
- Using the same strategies, such as photomontage, collage, the readymade, political action and performance to jar complacent audiences.
- Fragmented justa-positions of borrowed images and text in work.

For example, Raoul Hausmann's Elasticum (1920) and Shu Lea Cheang's Brandon (1998-99).

The similarities of new media art to pop art:
- Refer to and engaged wih commerical culture.
- However, thereis a difference. Pop art reproducing pop culture such as images from comic books, advertisements and magazines into art; new media art tend to borrow new media such as games  rather than transform them into forms that fit with their art.

The similarities of new media art to video art:
- The emgerence of accessible artisitic tools for changing the relationship between technology and culture
Video art was contributed by the intoduction of portable video camera, or PortaPak. And New media art was contributed to the introduction of web browser.

 3. When was Net Art first included in a major exhibition: Document X Kassel, Germany ?
From 1994 until 1997.

 4. Is new media art focused in one country. Why or why not?
No, media art is world wide and its nature is international and globalized. Because of the close connection to the Internet, people who can access to the internet can get in touch with the new media art, no matter where they are.

 5. Why were many artists drawn to new media art from other discipline?

It is because of the globalization of cultures and economies, this historical trend brings along with the widespread use of the internet, wireless telelphones and other information and communication technologies. The emergence of these technologies has drawn many artist to new media art form.

1 則留言:

  1. LINDA :you have read the article and refined some specific view , which is very clear and easy to understand. But maybe you could extend your opinion more so you would explain more clearly.
